EN 45545-2-Certified Grades

EN 45545-2-Certified Grades

EN 45545-2 sets out the material specifications to be used in railway vehicles to protect them against fire in accordance with the test methods and criteria specified in the standard, depending on the place of use. Railway vehicles with long tunnel times or long journey times, as in sleeping cars, have demanding requirements which are expected to be met by the materials in such vehicles, such as low smoke density and toxicity, high oxygen index and low heat release rate. These requirements become more demanding as the hazard classes of railway vehicles increase.

eurotechad its PA6, PA66, PA66/6 (Tecomid) and PP (Tecolen) grades certified for application classes R22-R23 and R6, respectively, that define the requirements for plastic materials used in electrical and electronic applications and passenger seat components in railway vehicles, such as insulators, switches, relays and connectors.

Grade NameGrade Short Definition (ISO 1043)R ClassApplicationHazard Level
Tecomid NB40 NL XA50 PA6 FR(30) R22 ve R23 E&E Application HL3
Tecomid NB40 GR30 NL XA60 PA6 GF30 FR(40) R22 ve R23 E&E Application HL2
Tecomid NB40 GR30 NL XA6X PA6 GF30 FR(40) R22 ve R23 E&E Application HL3
Tecomid NA40 GR30 NL XA6X PA6.6 GF30 FR(40) R22 ve R23 E&E Application HL3
Tecomid NC40 GR30 NL XA68 PA6.6/6 GF30 FR(40) R6 Seat Parts HL2
Tecolen HP20 GR25 NL XA89 PP GF25 FR(40) R6 Seat Parts HL3