As Eurotec Mühendislik Plastikleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. with the Sustainable Purchasing Policy we have created in line with our vision, mission, principles, and values, we aim to contribute to sustainable development, to use economic resources efficiently, to balance human and nature and to meet the needs of future generations without consuming natural resources.
In line with these purposes, our Sustainable Purchasing Principles are;
- Considering the effects on the society, economy and environment of the goods and services supplied throughout their life cycle,
- Avoiding bias and prejudice in supplier selection, giving suppliers the opportunity to compete fully and fairly,
- Working with suppliers that compete in legal and ethical areas and stay away from illegal activities,
- Establishing constructive relations with suppliers based on long-term cooperation and mutual trust,
- To support innovative procurement practices in the fields of economic, environmental and social sustainability,
- To continuously improve sustainability practices and their results and to encourage our suppliers,
- To carry out all our operations in accordance with all applicable national and international laws, rules, and regulations, including but not limited to environment, business relations, human rights, health and safety to meet the needs of our stakeholders in a fair and efficient manner,
- Working with suppliers that take initiatives to protect basic human rights, business ethics, fair business practices, occupational health and safety, employee rights and the environment,
- Creating a fair working environment free of harassment and discrimination for its employees; does not discriminate among its employees on the basis of language, race, gender, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect and similar reasons; working with suppliers that give importance to equal opportunities between women and men, prevent forced or compulsory labor, do not employ child labor, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding employment and working life,
- Working with suppliers who do not give, offer or accept anything of value from any organization or individual in order to bribe, pay, or gain any other advantage,
- Personal data, all information, know-how that provides competitive advantage within the framework of ISO 27001:2013 provisions and “Personal Data Protection Law” numbered 6698, accepting that documents, commercial and technical information obtained from Eurotec are defined as “Confidential Information” between the two parties. keeping secret ideas, practices, methods, designs and the like that are not yet known in the field of method or industry; To work with suppliers that do not disclose to third parties without the consent of Eurotec.
Although we expect our suppliers to monitor their compliance with these rules on their own, we may audit our suppliers to confirm compliance. Corrective and Preventive Action will be opened for detected nonconformities and improvement will be requested. As Eurotec, we reserve the right not to continue our relationship with Suppliers who act illegally or in contradiction with these rules. We expect all suppliers providing materials or services to Eurotec to convey these rules to their own subcontractors, if any, to consider these principles in the selection of subcontractors and to ensure that their subcontractors comply with these principles.